Unleash Potential
With Targets.
What gets measured gets managed - and what gets managed gets better. We don't just help you set targets - we devise the tools, systems and processes that will help your organisation actually achieve them.
We start off by coming into your business to understand how it currently runs. What keeps the wheels turning, how are people targeted already and what goals do you have which we can achieve by improving the way that success is measured and incentivised?
Everyone in your business will benefit if they have clear targets - from the cleaner to the CFO. After we've understood the current situation, we'll work with you to agree what “good” looks like.
Time for Action!
So, the end goal is clear - but how do we reach those numbers? Once we have a handle on the overreaching business targets, we'll get to work breaking these down by person and department using an OKR framework.
Setting ambitious targets is the easy bit. To achieve them you need consistency - and that requires us to implement tangible things. We'll create the tool, systems & processes that help you track, analyse and reach your targets.
At the end of our Targets Program, your business will be a well-oiled target-hitting machine! All that's left to do is achieve. We'll check in once per quarter to help you stay on track.
See pricingThat, and so much more
See pricingYour Big Questions
During our Targets Program we come into your business for between 2 weeks and 3 months (depending on the size of the organisation) to make the changes that will change the way your business achieves success.
See pricing100% Bespoke Pricing
Unlike our Culture Consultancy package (which is a set three month package), the time that it takes to carry out our Target Consultancy service may vary - it depends on the size of your business, the sector and the work that you already do to target people.
Our pricing is also 100% bespoke. We tailor a package to meet your needs, and outline exactly what we think we can offer you so that you know what you're getting. We're friendly - we promise! - so feel free to arrange a no-obligations call.